Celebrating 20+ Years of Excellence 100% Placement Assistance 100% Results


In the year 2010, under the patronage of K.B. Hanumantha Raju the Counselling cell of the College was established with the aim of providing therapeutic services to students and parents. The center aims to journey with students and parents in their lives by helping them build more resources within themselves, remove barriers to their growing potential and feel more equipped to find their way in the world. The centre has one full time and two part time counsellors.

The following services are provided by the counselling cell.Individual Psychotherapy Treatment of behavioural & emotional problems impacting normal functioning of an individual.

Individual Counseling - Helping cope with challenging life circumstances.

Psychological Assessment - Diagnosis & identification of underlying reasons for behavioural, academic & emotional problems using psychological tests.

Group Therapy - Helping people to develop new ways of relating with one another & to give support to each other with respect to challenges faced in the course of living

Career guidance - To guide students in selecting a suitable academic course/pursuing the right courses, in the right colleges or institutes and guide you in choosing a suitable career.

Aptitude Test - (Self-financed) Psychometric tests are conducted all through the year. An aptitude test is a mental or physical (or both) test that is designed to evaluate skill or the ability to perform certain tasks or assignments.

Information - on courses, careers, professions and specialized studies in India and abroad.

Workshops - on soft skills

Seminars - on addictions, healthy habits etc.

Making an appointment at Counselling Cell

Appointment process: Services at SCT College of Education Counselling Cell are provided by prior appointment only. To make an appointment, students have to meet the counsellor in person. Students can call the main office of College at 080-25245225 (between 9am and 3pm, Monday – Friday) and leave your name, contact number and appropriate time to call you back. You can do the same by writing to us at sctce2004@gmail.com / kbhraju@gmail.com. When you call the office to fix an appointment you need not disclose the specific reason for seeking consultation. Once we have your contact information, a Counsellor will call you back within 2 working days to have a better understanding of your specific needs and to assess whether our services suit your needs.

NB: The Counselling Cell is located next to Administration office